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  3. 産業界の新商品開発につながる界面化学の基礎研究をサポート



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酒井健一 講師(左)・酒井秀樹 教授(右)





酒井秀樹 教授:当研究室は、東京理科大学の理工学部先端化学科にあり、界面化学を用いた基礎研究や現象理解を中心に幅広い内容の研究を進めています。

酒井健一 講師:このように界面活性剤を主役として、今までわからなかった界面現象を明らかにすること、そして、そこで得た知見をもとに世の中に役立つ材料を新しく開発していくことが、当研究室の主題としているところです。




酒井秀樹 教授・酒井健一 講師

酒井秀樹 教授:当研究室には海外メーカーの装置もありますが、協和界面科学の装置は使い勝手が良いことが特徴だと思います。特にメンテナンスや故障した際の迅速な対応、測定に関してアドバイスをいただけるなど、柔軟に対応してくださることが大きいですね。

酒井健一 講師:海外メーカーの場合、本拠地が欧米にあり日本には営業代理店しかないというケースが多いんですね。故障したら海外に送って修理することになりますから、研究が数カ月ストップすることもあります。また、代理店の方も技術をきちんと理解されていないケースもみられます。

酒井秀樹 教授:研究を進めていくと、学生から「こういう測定ができないか」という要望が出てきます。以前、表面張力の測定を低温環境で実施したいという要望があったのですが、自分たちでやると霜がついて正確な測定ができない。それを、技術営業の方にご相談したら「こうすれば正確に測定できます」と的確なアドバイスをいただけました。新たな装置を購入することなく、対応もスピーディで信頼できる会社ですね。


酒井健一 講師:先ほどの信頼という点で、「装置への信頼」と「会社への信頼」という2つの見方がありますね。 装置への信頼とは、研究室で長年使ってきて大きなトラブルもなくデータも安定して取れるというところから生まれると思います。このほかにも他校や研究所などへの納入実績が多いとか、論文に掲載されている装置なども参考にしています。

酒井秀樹 教授:そのほか、メーカーのカタログにあるスペックを見て、似たような製品があればサンプルを渡して測定してもらい、比較することもあります。 協和界面科学の装置は、改良点の要望があれば相談できるといった点でも、信頼できるメーカーだと確信しています。



酒井秀樹 教授:大学の研究室という立場、つまり「教育者」の観点でいえば、便利で使い勝手の良いオートマチックな装置だけでなく、マニュアルの装置もあったほうが良いと考えています。


酒井健一 講師:学生にいろいろな装置を使わせることも、大切な教育だと思います。学生たちは1回でも使えば、その装置への愛着がわきます。卒業後、社会に出て企業や研究所で、その装置を使って研究を進めるかもしれない。大学で使っていた装置を導入してほしいと、会社に要望することだってあるでしょう。そうやって装置の普及につながることも、私たちはうれしく思うのです。



酒井秀樹 教授・酒井健一 講師

酒井秀樹 教授:研究を進めていくと特殊な条件で測定したいとか、同時に何か他の物性を測定したいとか、いろいろなニーズが必ず出てきます。

酒井秀樹 教授:それと、界面化学の世界は産業界に近い分野でもあり、私たちがやっている基礎研究が企業の商品開発につながりやすい学問です。ですから、学生には企業の商品開発につながる目線を持つことを教えています。洗剤メーカーや化粧品メーカーなどとの共同研究も、その例です。



English Version

Supporting basic research on interfacial chemistry, leading to the development of new industrial products

This laboratory covers a wide range of "interfacial chemistry" subjects including the development of environmentally friendly surfactants, and of practical surfactants that impart additional value to our clients.
Our research and development utilizes several devices, such as our surface tension meter (DY series) and LB filmmaking equipment (HBM series).

Understanding phenomena and manufacturing from the viewpoint of interfacial chemistry

―Our 20 year relationship with Kyowa Interface Science Co., Ltd. has continued on from the previous laboratory professor.Please tell us about this laboratory.

Prof. Hideki Sakai:Our laboratory is located in the Department of Advanced Chemistry of Tokyo University of Science. We are conducting research on a wide range of topics, mainly in basic research and understanding of phenomena using interfacial chemistry.
For example, we are working on the research and development of a new surfactant we have called the "Gemini surfactant".
Although the Gemini-type surfactant itself has been known to function better than conventional products, the manufacturing process can be somewhat complicated and costly when used in industrial products such as detergents and cosmetics.
In addition, surfactants are seen as being bad for the environment, and there is a need to reduce the environmental impact as much as possible.
We are also researching and developing a Gemini-type surfactant that can be made using a relatively simple process, that is effective in small quantities, and can be utilized in a variety of industrial products.

Prof.Kenichi Sakai:In this way, it is the purpose of our laboratory to clarify the interfacial phenomena that we have not understood until now. Then, to develop new materials that have a practical application in real world settings based on our findings.


Meticulous after-sales follow-up to deepen trust

Your laboratory has used many of our products, including our measuring equipment for surfactants. How do you feel they compare to other manufacturers products?

酒井秀樹 教授・酒井健一 講師

Prof. Hideki Sakai:Our laboratory also has equipment from overseas manufacturers, but I think that the equipment of Kyowa Interface Science is more convenient. To be more specific, we appreciate your quick response to any maintenance and failure issues, as well as your advice on measurements.

Prof.Kenichi Sakai:A lot of overseas manufacturers are based in the West, with only a sales agent in Japan. If their eqiupment breaks, our research may be forced to stop for several months to have it sent overseas and repaired.
In addition, sometimes the sales agent does not understand the technology. In this respect, we're thankful for the technicians at Kyowa Interface Science, who understand even the fine points of the technology.

Prof. Hideki Sakai:As our studies progress, students often ask if they can take measurements in certain ways.
Previously, there was a request to measure surface tension in a low temperature environment, but doing it by ourselves would have caused frost to occur, making precise measurement impossible. When consulting the issue with a technical sales person we recieved helpful advice that let us accurately take measurements. They are a company that can respond quickly and reliably without purchasing new equipment.

We appreciate your trust. By the way, when you buy a new device, how do the professors choose the equipment and manufacturers?

Prof.Kenichi Sakai:When choosing, we look for two kinds of trust: "trust in equipment" and "trust in the company". I believe that trust in equipment comes from being used for many years in the laboratory, providing data that can be stably taken without major problems.
As well, we also look at what equipment has been used by other schools and laboratories.
When it comes to "trust in the company", "integrity" is key. This means a commitment to maintenance after purchase as well as flexible correspondence with the laboratory. We evaluate these two in the long run when selecting products.

Prof. Hideki Sakai:Also, when we comparing the specs of similar products in different manufacturer's catalogs, we can provide a sample to them for measurement and see the results. We find Kyowa Interface Science to be reliable, as they are willing to accept our suggestions for improvement and make changes after this process.

The importance of manual equipment in the academic field

How do you use Kyowa's devices?

Prof. Hideki Sakai:From the viewpoint of the university laboratory, that is, from the viewpoint of "educators", we feel that it is important to have both a convenient and user-friendly automatic device and a manual device.
From the viewpoint of the students actually using the equipment, it is easy to use an automatic device that can take measurements with a single button. If it takes an hour for the measurements to come out, you may be able to do other things in the meantime.
However, there is a risk of overlooking important events that occurred during that time. During measurements some students questioned, "Is there a mistake in the data?" after coming up with unexpected results. They did not consider that "There may be a problem with the device." It seems that they believe that the device always provides correct results because it does all the work automatically, even though they should be asking if there were any problems with the measurement.
From this point of view, we also make use of equipment that requires manual operation. Those devices can take measurements while observing each situation, even if it is somewhat more tedious to use.


Prof.Kenichi Sakai:I think it is important for the education of our students to have them use various devices. The students become accustomed to the devices after they use them. After graduation, they may go out into society and use the equipment in companies and research institutes. They may even ask the company to introduce the equipment used at the university into the workplace.
We are glad to be able to spread the devices to new settings. Earlier we mentioned that we take accurate results into consideration when we look to purchase a new device, but on occasion we may purchase a device that is entirely brand new.
Since the device is totally new, there are no prior results to refer to. If we reference the device in papers, and the equipment becomes more popular, we can contribute to the advancement of interfacial chemistry. That makes me feel happy as a researcher.

Aiming to be a laboratory that can contribute to the industrial world

Could you tell us about your future research and your relationship with us?

酒井秀樹 教授・酒井健一 講師

Prof. Hideki Sakai:As we continue to advance our research, we will need to measure under special conditions, while simultaneously measuring other physical properties. I'm sure that our research will have a variety of needs present themselves in the future.
Our laboratory also utilizes Kyowa Interface Science's LB filmmaking equipment, but our field of work has many requests to take measurements while filming.
For that purpose, I hope to work together with Kyowa Interface Science, and if possible consider the development of new equipment together.

Prof. Hideki Sakai:Also, the world of interfacial chemistry is a field that is close to industrial settings, and the basic research that we do often leads to the development of new products at a company. Therefore, students are taught to have a perspective that leads to the development of products for corporations.
Joint research with detergent and cosmetics manufacturers is an example of this. During this collaborative research, there are some things that companies cannot do but universities can. While taking advantage of the university's expertise, we will continue to cooperate with the industry while receiving the support of Kyowa Interface Science, making use of their wealth of experience in both industrial and academic settings.

Thank you. As a company, we would like to work on developing devices that other companies cannot. We feel that is our company's mission.
It's been a pleasure to talk with you today.

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